
The MOSAIC Center

MOSAIC中心为学生创造了有意义的机会, Inclusion, and Community at Seattle University.

Welcome to The MOSAIC Center!

MOSAIC中心为学生创造了有意义的机会, Inclusion, and Community at Seattle University. 我们在支持学生的跨文化学习和发展方面发挥着关键作用. 我们鼓励学生提高自我和他人的意识, 他们通过创造一个促进好奇心和学习的环境,共同创造一个更具包容性的校园文化.

We support the thriving of our students by: 

  • Enhancing a sense of belonging & creating opportunities for connection
  • Providing social justice education & tools for advocacy
  • Providing mentorship & leadership development
  • Providing tangible resources & support 

我们邀请学生参与我们的许多项目、活动、服务和资源. 学生可以通过探索我们的网站了解更多国外博彩app的项目和活动 Instagram page or ConnectSU.

Stay Connected!


About Us

在MOSAIC中心,我们相信了解、尊重和庆祝我们的过去是很重要的. 为学生创造有意义的机会, inclusion, 社区根植于丰富的历史,以适应日益多样化的学生群体不断变化的需求.

1969年,国外博彩app开设了 Office of Minority Affairs (OMA)是学生积极行动和倡导的结果. In its inception, OMA 通过辅导和英语支持项目为有色人种学生提供学术支持服务. Over the 50+ year history, 该办公室经历了几次领导和部门名称的变化(最近的一次是多元文化事务办公室),并扩大了其职责,以支持历史上代表性不足和少数族裔背景的学生, including but not limited to BIPoC, LGBTQ+, and undocumented students.

1996年,由于前SU校长Fr. Sullivan, Seattle University launched the Collegia Program to support the needs of commuter students. 学院计划为学生提供了聚集和创建社区的急需空间. Over the course of 20+ years, 学院项目的范围不断扩大,以满足转学生的独特需求, graduate students and adult learners, first-generation college students, 还有以新名字命名的退伍军人和军方学生, Student Success & Outreach.

At its core, OMA和Collegia项目的使命是消除障碍,支持学生的成长. 正是带着这个核心使命,MOSAIC中心诞生了.

At the MOSAIC Center, we approach our work in a relational, educational, intentional and intersectional manner.

  • 关系:我们与学生和社区建立关系,以增强国外博彩app的归属感.
  • 教育:我们陪伴和指导学生的学习之旅,因为我们都扩大了我们对多样性的理解, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
  • 有意的:我们努力适应不同学生群体的需求,并设计我们的课程, events, and resources to address these needs.
  • 交叉性:我们使用广义的交叉性定义来承认, celebrate, and address the unique qualities of our students.

Who we Serve


mosaic center first day fall quarter image

BIPOC Students (Students of Color)

Black, Indigenous, People of Color (Black, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, Native American/Indigenous)

At SU, 我们有55年的历史,提供专门为有色人种学生设计的课程和资源. 了解更多国外博彩app的签名项目以及如何参与!


of incoming students are BIPOC (Fall 2023)

students walking on campus


第一代大学生的正式定义是那些父母没有完成四年制学士学位的人. At SU, 我们知道,第一代学生社区包含了更广泛和广阔的体验.



of incoming students are first-gen (Fall '23)

homecoming parade photo


We use the acronym LGBTQIA+, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, 无性恋者和性别认同或性取向超越异性恋和顺性规范者的群体. 这个群体也可以被称为酷儿群体


of Gen Z adults (age 18-25) identify as LGBTQ+

Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI)

A park with trees and buildings in the background.

Undocumented Students

“无证”被广泛定义为包括所有没有合法身份居住在美国的移民, including DACA recipients, or DREAMers.



Undocumented students in college

(2021 American Community Survey)

Veterans homecoming image

Veteran & Military-Connected

所有曾经或正在为我们国家服务的人. 我们也欢迎军人的配偶和家属. 


Vet & Military-Connected Students on campus

A yellow car is driving down a street in a city.

Commuter Students

通勤学生被广泛地定义为任何不住在学校,使用各种交通工具往返于课堂的学生. 我们特别关注一年级和二年级的通勤学生,他们寻求免除校内住房要求,并因各种原因选择住在校外. 我们了解通勤学生群体的多样性,同时也认识到使他们在校园体验独特的共性. 


of first year students are commuters

Three students study at outdoor table

Transfer Students

转学生是那些在高中毕业后完成大学水平课程的人. Students who are enrolled in Running Start, 双入学或有AP学分不被视为转学生.


of Fall '22 entering class were transfer students

Students in classroom

Graduate Students & Adult Learners

研究生是那些参加研究生课程(硕士)的学生, professional certificate, MBA, etc.) at SU. 

成人学习者是指年龄在25岁及以上且通常已婚的学生, have families, or are single parents, 在职专业人士(之前没有完成学位), or returning students.


of undergraduate students are over 25

Meet Our Staff

We're here for you!


Pigott Pavilion 180

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